Monday, October 23, 2006

happy birthday mom!!

becca and mom
Originally uploaded by jenandmark710.
today is my mom's birthday! and finally this year i got her a real non-giftcard present and i can be here to celebrate!

this picture is of my mom and my youngest sister becca while we were at the lake for our family vacation. becca is experiencing being the only child since everybody else is in college or real life (like us). becca gets to spend this weekend with us since my parents are going away to celebrate their anniversary which is on friday! so lots of fun. hope that you have a fabulous monday!


Christina said...

I thought that was a younger picture of you! (I know you've heard that before)

Happy birthday and anniversary Mom!

Jen and Mark said...

ugh!!! becca and my mom came to one of our games and some of the girls were asking me if we were twins. :(

Christina said...

Hey it could be worse... it just means she lookes older but yuo look younger... see that's a good thing. :-) People think my mom and I are sisters, so I can kinda feel your pain. :-)