Wednesday, January 10, 2007


well i know that it has been a really long time since i have posted any pictures. i have been having some problems with my camera and getting them to a postable site. in fact there were other pictures that i wanted to post but they didn't seem to get with the others. oh well - we're back at school, but thankfully we have monday off for martin luther king jr day. :) it will be nice to have a break. mark has been going to more away games now than before christmas so ia have been spending a lot of time with the pooch. he was very well behaved for awhile and during christmas, but now that he is spending a lot of time in the crate again, he is back to his old self. during christmas, charlie would play tug of war with my parents dog and it would wear him out nicely. but no kisha here so ugh. i have to do it. :)

nothing exciting has happened since christmas, just back to school and work. so here are some pictures from over the holidays and a little before.

mark and i had sharon and derek over during christmas break it was nice to spend time with them (we just watched a movie and played FRIENDS scene it that mark got me for christmas!!! it was a lot of fun.) but no clues as to when the big proposal will be!!! :) we tried to get it out of him but with no luck!! :) ( oh - notice our very small christmas tree in the background. we couldn't put up our big one because of the lack of space and our annoying dog would have treated it like a toy. :) )
this is my sisters and me with our stockings that we begged and pleaded for - even mark gets one - lucky!!!! he's one of the girls now. :) and very soon jonathon will be joining the very exciting club.
by the way - the stockings were really great this year!!! and we got them for my parents too so that they would see how fabulous they are. i think that they enjoyed it!!! yes we finally did have a youth group activity - it was nice we played lasertag and arcades and then came over to our apartment and played cranium. it was a lot of fun. and we all got to experience mark's amazing talents for dance dance revolution.
and this is the corbin family. minus the most exciting parts (me, Jeff (Cheryl's husband), and the boys.) we had a really good time there - it was nice to see everyone again. and if you think of it pray for mark's dad as he looks for another teaching position in the fall.

hopefully there will be more pictures to follow!!! :)

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