Friday, July 28, 2006

another day in the "exciting" life of the corbins

jen and mark new years 2
Originally uploaded by jenandmark710.
well - this photo was taken new years eve. yup a long, long time ago. but i'm a little slow at uploading pictures. this weekend mark and i are hanging out with his parents. we're going to go to shady maple of course and then go to the outlets!! that's the best part. although i know some people would beg to differ.

mark and i have been learning a lot lately. well me (jen) especially. last night i was reading in my devotions and i was reminded that our God has everything at HIs fingertips. it is easy to think in human terms and see the small picture. but God has the larger view and i need to remember that. life may seem difficult and we may go through hard times, but God has a perfect purpose for it. i can trust my life to him.

well school is rapidly approaching. no matter how long of a summer i think that i have, it never seems long enough. people keep talking to me about school and asking if my classroom is ready or telling me "wonderful" stories about my future students and i just want to climb back into my summer vacation hole and live there forever (but of course get paid for it :) )

anyway - i'd better go! we have to get an early start tomorrow morning! have a wonderful evening


Sharon said...

Jen-your blog is cute! I told you guys that blogging was addictive:o)

Jen and Mark said...

it is...i haven't heard from you in a long time...i hope that you are doing well!! give me a call sometime.

AnneB said...

Mark that is so look like your punch was spiked for the celebration:) Hey you all need to shoot us an email.